Friday, January 30, 2015

Visual Tour

It can be difficult for a user of CrowdGrader to get a full picture of the tool.  Instructors and students each see only one side of it, and due to the various phases of assignments, from submission to evaluation and grading, it is difficult to form at once an idea of how it looks like.

To help you, we have created a visual tool, which gives you both the instructor and the student perspective along the various phases of the assignment. 

Visual Tour: A student's evaluation

Once the assignment is concluded, a student can see the final grade received, as well as all reviews received.

The full evaluation received
by a student.

A student can also view all the reviews she or he wrote, and compare them with those by others:

All the reviews written by a student.
A student can compare her/his
reviews with those by others.

Visual Tour: Computing the grades

When the grades are computed,
feedback on the reviews is
no longer accepted.
The crowd-grades have been computed.
The instructor can decide when grades
become visible by students.
The instructor can assign some final
grades by hand...

...and the remaining ones
are computed by interpolation.

Visual Tour: The feedback phase

Once reviewing is complete, students can see their reviews, and give feedback on the reviewers:

At the end of the review
phase, students can leave
feedback on their reviews.
Leaving feedback on a review.

Visual Tour: Reviewing, as seen by the instructor

Instructor's view of the review progress:

The instructor has a bird's eye view
 on the submissions,
the grades assigned, and any discussion.
A discussion as seen by the teacher.

The instructor has easy access to all the reviews, making it easy to form an idea of how the assignment went:

All the reviews.
All the reviews by a given student.
All the reviews
for a given submission.

Visual Tour: Reviewing, as seen by a student

The student has not done any
reviews yet.
A student in the process of entering a review.
Reviews are checked for
consistency with the grading rubric.
The first two reviews are done.

Students can also discuss the submissions while doing the reviews:

The initial message from
the submission author.
The reviewer adds a message.
The message is added
to the discussion.

Visual Tour: The submissions, as seen by the instructor

The submission list,
before any review.
A submission, as seen by the instructor
The discussion on the submission

Visual Tour: Submitting a solution to an assignment

Here is how submitting a solution to an assignment looks like, from the students point of view.

An image has just been uploaded.
The text of a submission can be
written using a powerful markup language.

A completed submission.

Students can also discuss their submissions with the people who will review them; in this case notifying them of the fact that the image has been resized.

An empty discussion list.
Writing the first message.
The first message.

Visual Tour: Creating an assignment

Here is how creating an assignment, entering a student list, and creating a grading rubric looks like.

A brand new assignment. 

You can either let students self-enroll,
or you can cut-and-paste their emails.
A student list with 5 students.
You can edit grading rubrics.
A grading rubric.